Brandon / Seffner / Valrico / Riverview Moving Assistance
How Do I Book Movers from Mango Moving Labor?

To book with Mango Moving Labor for your upcoming moving help project , select from
predefined moving packages. Start by selecting how many movers you would like to schedule.Then you will see a calendar appear with available dates and times our team is available.
You will then input first location to meet you and select how many hours to reserve.Then you'll be prompted to pay your deposit of $50.00 and you're on the schedule. Only available times and dates are shown. If you can see your date and time slot, then we are available. If you still have questions send us a message
3 Hour Minimum on every moving job.

If you decide to book with Mango Moving Labor, we require a 3 hour minimum with all of our services. The rate for our minimum is only 179.99 for 3 hours of service with 2 movers. Offering more than 2 movers if needed, in our upfront pricing list of service packages located in our
online booking section.
Time will start at the time we arrive, your moving help service will require payment at the end of the job. Payments are accepted on our website.
The 3 hour minimum starts at the time, we arrive on scene to the meet location you requested with your online booking contract.

When you book with Mango Moving Labor service, you get the amount of hours you request in your booking contract, on the date of request.
Service must be on the date you requested in the mango moving labor booking contract in our online booking section. (Example: If we come to the residence more than one time, You must book more than one time.)
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