Full Service Property Management
Tampa Bay Property Management, LLC strives to offer our clients the very best possible service at the lowest possible cost. We pride ourselves on having a very low vacancy rate. We keep your property producing income. We offer very competitive rates and comprehensive monthly reports. We also perform an initial Asset Report, which includes an inventory of major appliances including photographs, model numbers and serial numbers. Should your property require major repairs or improvements, we will complete a Before/After Reports showing pictures of the repairs or improvements both before and after.
Our property management service includes advertising on the MLS plus more than ten other websites including Craig's List. We also include credit checks, background checks and screening of prospective tenants. We secure a tenant for your property, handle rent collection and any repair or maintenance issues. When necessary, we have a handyman on payroll to handle small repairs at discounted rates. If you currently have a non-paying tenant, we perform fast non-attorney evictions at a very low rates.
Let's compare prices. Some property management companies charge a low monthly management fee percentage, which can be deceiving. It's tempting to hire a property management company offering the lowest percentage fee. It may sound like a great deal but, are you really saving money? Don't forget to compare all charges and fees. Don't forget to ask how much they charge to secure a tenant. Most management companies charge from 50% to 100% of first month's rent! We charge a flat fee of $250 to secure a tenant. That's a huge savings. Other property management companies add a fee to each maintenance invoice. We don't charge extra for doing our job. If we hire someone to repair your property, you pay the exact amount of the invoice. You must compare all fees before you can accurately compare management costs. If you want to save money, don't forget to ask all the right questions and compare all fees.
Owner Disbursement checks are mailed to you each month, or we offer and accept electronic payments. We mail or submit owner payments to our clients prior to the 15th of each month. If you are not receiving electronic payments, but would like to, please send us a copy of a voided check and we will immediately begin electronic payments. If you need to make a payment to us, we offer several options. You may drop off or mail a check to our office or make an electronic payment. If you need instructions to make an electronic payment, click here.
Things change. Have your payment preferences or contact information changed? Please notify us as soon as possible to avoid any interruption in payments.
Do you need to contact our staff? Sent us a text message? Need a form? Have questions? Comments? Suggestions? We strive to be the very best property management company! We would love to hear from you!
Tampa Bay Property Management, LLC Mailing Address: 8870 N. Himes Avenue, #635 Tampa, FL 33614
813-960-2583 Cell:
813-690-2583 Fax:
813-961-2583Tenant Online Payments |
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